The work Eneriser is able to do with biogas include the study and classification of the following aspects:
- The production and composition of biogas from landfills and digesters.
- catchment systems.
- conditioning and gas purification.
- power: recovery/ cogeneration.
- application and export of energy produced.
- complementary and auxiliary facilities.
- assessment of gases produced in the thermic treatment of waste.
- installation.
In addition we can provide the following services:
- maintance and regulations of catchment systems
- preventive and corrective maintenance of biogas engines
- control of the working conditions of biogas plants
Landfill desgasification
According to the current landfill regulations, the biogas produced must be treated or to be harnessed for energy purposes. In both cases is necessary to provide the landfill with a degasification system to collect the gas and sent it to the torch or to the valuation center.
ENERISER has made integral installation of degasification landfill systems. The work includes from the project and construction management to the complete development of the system, implementing biogas collecting wells and transport pipeline network, including its peripheral and supplementary components.
We also made landfill degassing systems maintenance with the purpose of guarantee the systems are in the best condition possible to make the gathering.
Auto-consumption power. Mini-biogás plants
In centers where there is both the likelihood of biogas production and enery consumption (electric, thermal),We can, after making a prior study, project and install electric energy production centers (from 20 kw upwards of installed power)which use the biogas as fuel.
That type of centers would be destined to settle the energy needs, with supply guaranties, of isolated mode, or ones with connection to the electricity grid too.
Transformation of stationary diesel pump units to gas/Bifuel
Making the adaptation works concerned we can supply and install low power generators, from 20 kw, for gas/biogas 100%, or in bifuel mode (gasoil/biogas)
We can also handle the transformation of generator powers of any diesel cycle engine to a gas/biogas or Bifuel system.
"Without obligation we can evaluate and
specify for the interested party, the most suitable
service for their generating plant"